Myths & Facts
Chapter 17: Iran's Nuclear Program
By: Mitchell G. Bard
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Israel`s refusal to sign the NPT allows it to threaten its neighbors.
Iran has no ambition to become a nuclear power.
Israel has nothing to fear from a nuclear Iran.
Iran's nuclear program threatens only Israel.
Iran has signed an agreement that will prevent it from building a nuclear bomb.
Negotiators achieved the best deal possible with Iran.
Iran’s breakout time for building a weapon is now one year instead of three months.
The only alternative to the nuclear deal was war. [Updated]
Military force could not have stopped Iran's nuclear program.
Iran does not believe it can win a nuclear war.
Iran should be allowed a nuclear weapon since Israel has one.
The United States did not go to war against Iran.
Iran will be prevented from building a bomb by an “unprecedented” verification regime.
If Iran cheats, sanctions can easily be reimposed.
The Iran deal eliminates the danger of nuclear proliferation.
The agreement put an end to Iran's ballistic missile research."
Iran's attitude toward the United States and Israel has moderated.
Iran is an ally in the fight against ISIS.
Unfrozen assets will aid the Iranian economy but not its hostile activities.
Iran is the only Middle East nation seeking to develop nuclear technology.
“Snapback” sanctions ensured Iran would adhere to the nuclear agreement.
U.S. sanctions are having no impact on Iran.