Anti-Semitism on Campus: Listing of 1996 Campus Anti-Semitic Incidents
90 Total Incidents
10/l/96 Troy State University An economics professor claimed that Jews control the media and are only interested in how much money they make.
1/l/96 Ventura College A Jewish member of the basketball team was told that Jews were not allowed on the team bus.
2/6/96 San Diego State University Anti-Semitic materials were found in a book in the library.
2/13/96 San Diego State University Anti-Semitic materials were found in a book in the library.
3/18/96 San Diego State University A Star of David with a line through it placed on the wall of a Jewish student's dorm room.
3/19/96 San Diego State University Swastikas placed on the door to a Jewish student's dorm room.
7/11/96 San Diego State University Anti-Semitic and racist flyers distributed.
9/3/96 Long Beach State University Teacher made racial slurs in class.
11/23/96 San Diego State University Anti-Jewish, anti-Black hate literature found in the library.
3/8/96 Howard University Cartoon in the student newspaper attacked ADL, using anti-Semitic imagery.
4/3/96 Georgetown University A professor received harassing, anti-Semitic phone messages.
9/29/96 American University A Sukkah on campus was damaged by fire.
12/4/96 Georgetown University Hate mail about Jews and Israel received by the student newspaper.
4/5/96 University of Miami A student active in Jewish causes on campus received threats left on her car and on the telephone:"Be careful, we are watching you." "Ready to go boom?"
4/24/96 University of Miami Student harassed on campus: "Israel has no right to exist. We should have bombed you all." "Don't worry who I am, because we know who you are." Later, the same student received threatening phone calls.
10/l/96 Florida International University Non-Jewish professor with a Jewish wife subjected to anti-Semitic comments by a colleague.
11/12/96 University of South Florida Anti-Semitic materials distributed.
12/6/96 University of Miami A 15-foot Chanukkah Menorah was unbolted from its stand and dumped into a lake.
3/l/96 Emory University National Alliance stickers posted on bulletin boards.
Ongoing Illinois Central College Ongoing anti-Semitic harassment.
3/20/96 University of Chicago Anti-Semitic letter mailed to law school professor.
3/27/96 Loyola University Anti-Semitic letter to the editor published in the campus newspaper.
5/4/96 Northwestern University Leonard Jeffries spoke, making anti-Semitic
6/26/96 Regenstein University Stormtrooper, SS lightning bolts, swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti found on the title pages of books in the Hebrew and Yiddish literature sections of the library.
10/10/96 University of Illinois Anti-Semitic Op-Ed piece and cartoon in the student newspaper.
12/1/96 Illinois State University Swastikas scratched into an elevator in a dorm.
3/96 Franklin College Two Jewish students received an anti-Semitic flyer in the mail.
3/96 Franklin College Statue of Benjamin Franklin defaced with graffiti, including swastikas.
7/1/96 University of Notre Dame Holocaust-denial materials sent to professors.
9/24/96 Franklin College Female student called a "Dirty Jew."
4/1/96 Boston College Swastika painted on the door to a professor's office.
6/24/96 Harvard University Flyers around Harvard Square: "Forty per cent of all graduate students are Jews. Jews comprise two percent of the U.S. population."
9/17/96 Clark University Graffiti in a men's bathroom: "Jews must die," "Death to Israel," "If I were a nigger, I'd pull the trigger."
11/5/96 Massachusetts College of Art Swastikas painted on a stairway.
2/96 Towson State Former professor made anti-Semitic comments.
2/20/96 St. Mary's College Stickers found in a magazine, "Jews are our misfortune."
3/7/96 University of Maryland Complainant called "Jewboy."
6/10/96 Hood College Swastikas painted on a "Dole for President" poster on the dorm room door of the president of the Young Republicans Club.
Unknown* Unknown* Graffiti derogatory toward Blacks and Jews found in a men's bathroom.
Unknown* Unknown* Graffiti derogatory towards Blacks and Jews found in the library.
3/96 Unknown* A book entitled "The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics" was returned to the library with "You will die in the KKK-Mafia" in it.
5/9/96 Michigan State University Student newspaper received a letter claiming responsibility for a 1995 fire at Hillel, and threatening future bombings.
11/14/96 Macomb State College Threatening flyer posted on a professor's door.
1/15/96 University of Minnesota Two swastikas etched into posters in the basement of a residence hall.
10/1/96 Unknown* Note received in a dorm room: "SAMUEL-King of the Jews" with swastikas on it.
10/18/96 St. Cloud State University Anti-Semitic letter, "U.S. Needs Another Hitler," published in the student newspaper.
12/1/96 Unknown* Hillel foundation received anti-Semitic literature in the mail.
1/10/96 University of Missouri Fire extinguisher thrown through the window of the Hillel center. When caught, the perpetrator said, "I'm not finished with those people. I'll be back."
4/96 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Jewish candidate for student government president was featured on the cover of a student newspaper in a doctored photo with horns and a pitchfork.
3/1/96 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Library books defaced with swastikas.
3/22/96 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Library books defaced with swastikas.
5/1/96 Carven Community College Library book, "After Tragedy and Triumph-Essays in Modern Jewish Thought and the American Experience," defaced with swastikas.
5/30/96 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Library books defaced with swastikas.
1/26/96 University of New Hampshire University worker said, "I hate Jews. They just stab you in the back. They lie, you can't trust them."
5/6/96 Montclair State University Swastika painted in a common hallway.
7/14/96 The College of New Jersey Anti-Semitic slurs directed at the members of a Jewish fraternity.
7/19/96 The College of New Jersey A brick was thrown through the window of a Jewish fraternity.
9/25/96 The College of New Jersey Three swastikas in a dormitory.
10/8/96 Rowan College Anti-Semitic flyers distributed.
10/17/96 Kean College Swastika on a bulletin board.
10/23/96 Kean College Swastika drawn on paper attached to a professor's door.
1/22/96 New Mexico State College Visiting basketball coach found a message on his greaseboard: "we're going to kick your ass you Jew bastard."
7/22/96 University of New Mexico Racist flyers distributed.
8/19/96 University of New Mexico Graffiti of a skunk and a swastika appearing around the campus.
9/1/96 University of New Mexico Letter to the editor of campus newspaper attacking ADL Regional Director.
2/18/96 New York University Swastika in the library.
8/5/96 New York University Anti-Semitic graffiti in an elevator in student housing.
9/23/96 New York University Swastika on a wall in a classroom building.
9/30/96 New York University Swastika in a phone booth.
10/7/96 Hunter College Swastikas, "Rape the Jews," and pornographic anti-Semitic graffiti.
10/28/96 Hofstra University Anti-Semitic E-mail received.
3/11/96 Oberlin College Kwame Ture delivered an anti-Semitic speech.
5/15/96 University of Toledo Khalid Abdul Muhammad gave an anti-Semitic speech.
9/2/96 Kent State University "Die Jew" written on a student's door.
9/5/96 Tiffin University Professor received an anti-Semitic letter.
5/96 University of Oregon Several members of the History faculty received a Holocaust-denial videotape.
1/15/96 Penn State University "Jew" scratched into a dorm room door.
2/4/96 Lafayette College Message for Hillel rabbi, "WE hereby pronounce you the Devil. You are Satan incarnate. You are so evil you don't even realize. You bastard."
12/5/96 Swenson Arts and Technology Six swastikas and "Kill all niggers and kikes" painted.
3/27/96 Rhode Island College Aryan Legion of Doom flyer left on a car.
11/19/96 Texas A&M University Professor received an anonymous phone call, "Your wife is a New York Jew. We will freeze you this winter."
11/18/96 University of Utah Hebrew classrooms had swastikas drawn in them.
5/17/96 George Mason University Professor received anti-Semitic E-mail.
9/1/96 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Holocaust-denial letter from Bradley Smith run in the student newspaper.
10/23/96 University of Puget Sound Swastikas and other graffiti on a dorm room door.
4/15/96 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Jewish student office vandalized.
4/24/96 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Anti-Semitic literature distributed by the General Union of Palestinian Students.
11/21/96 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Leader of Wisconsin WAR made anti-Semitic remarks in student newspaper.
11/23/96 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Khalid Abdul Muhammad made anti-Semitic remarks during a speech, "Jew-nited States," "Jew-nited Nations," etc.
*Note: Incidents received from law enforcement sources and affiliate agencies sometimes contain incomplete information.
Source: Schooled in Hate: Anti-Semitism On Campus, ADL, 1997: Copyright Anti-Defamation League (ADL). All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.