India Virtual Jewish History Tour
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The Republic of India, located in South Asia, is the second most populous nation in the world, with over 1.2 billion people. The country has a historic legacy with three distinct ancient Jewish groups. Today, the Jewish population of India is approximately 4,500.
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Early History
Bene Israel Jews
The Jews of Cochin
The Jews of Calcutta
Baghdadi Jews
Bene Menashe
Bene Ephraim
Relations with Israel
Early History
India has a legacy of three distinct ancient Jewish groups: the Bene Israel, the Cochin Jews, also called the Malabar Jews, and the White Jews from Europe. Each group practiced important elements of Judaism and had active synagogues. The Sephardic rites predominate among Indian Jews. More recent Jewish immigration to India includes the Baghdadi Jews, Bene Menashe, and Bene Ephraim.
Jewish merchants from Europe traveled to India in the medieval period for purposes of trade, but it is not clear whether they formed permanent settlements in south Asia. Our first reliable evidence of Jews living in India comes from the early 11th century. It is certain that the first Jewish settlements were centered along the western coast. Abraham ibn Daud’s 12th-century reference to Jews of India is unfortunately vague, and we do not have further references to Indian Jews until several centuries later.
Migrations in the 16th and 17th centuries created important settlements of Jews from Persia, Afghanistan and Characin (Central Asia) in northern India and Kashmir. By the late 18th century, Bombay became the largest Jewish community in India. Bene Israel Jews lived in Bombay, as did Iraqi and Persian Jews.
Bene Israel Jews
The Bene Israel ("Sons of Israel") lived primarily in Bombay (now Mumbai), Pune, Karachi (now in Pakistan), and Ahmadabad. Their native language was Judeo-Marathi. They arrived in India nearly 2,100 years ago after a shipwreck stranded seven Jewish families from Judea at Navagaon near Alibag, just south of Mumbai.
![]() Bene Israel Synagogue |
The Bene Israel claim to be descended from Jews who escaped persecution in the Galilee in the 2nd century B.C.E. The Bene Israel resembled the non-Jewish Maratha people in appearance and customs, which indicates intermarriage between Jews and Indians. The Bene Israel, however, maintained the practices of Jewish dietary laws, circumcision, and observation of the Sabbath as a day of rest.
The Bene Israel say their ancestors were oil pressers in Galilee and earned the nickname “Saturday oil-pressers” because they abstained from work on Saturday, which is the Jewish Shabbat, a day of rest. In the 18th century, they were “discovered” by traders from Baghdad. At that time, the Bene Israel were practicing just a few outward forms of Judaism (which is how they were recognized), but had no scholars of their own. Teachers from Baghdad and Cochin taught them mainstream Judaism in the 18th and 19th centuries.
In 1796, “Shaar Rahamim,” the first Bene Israel synagogue, was built in the city. After its establishment, several other synagogues and Jewish centers emerged throughout Bombay.
David Sassoon and his followers fled to Bombay in 1832 following the pogroms of Daud Pasha in Baghdad. The Sassoon family became known as the “Rothschilds of the East” because of the wealth they accumulated in trade and also because of their philanthropic donations to the community. In fact, many well-known landmarks in Mumbai today can be attributed to the Sassoon family.
In the 1830s, an estimated 6,000 Bene Israeli Jews lived in India, and nearly 10,000 at the turn of the century. At their peak in 1948, the Bene Israel numbered 20,000. Since then, most have migrated to Israel, and under 5,000 remain today.
![]() Bene Israel |
In 1964, the Rabbinate of Israel declared that the Bene Israel are "full Jews in every respect."
The Bene Israel community claimed to be descendents of the Kohanim, the ancient Israelite priests. They also claim descent from Aaron, the brother of Moses. In 2002, a DNA test confirmed that the Bene Israel share the same heredity as the Kohanim.
The Jews of Cochin
The first Jews to come to India were the Jews in Cochin in southern India (today, it's the port city of Kochi), the so-called “Black Jews,” who traditionally spoke the Judeo-Malayalam tongue, native to the state of Kerala. Some say that these "Black Jews" settled in the Malabar coast during the times of King Solomon of Israel, and after the Kingdom of Israel split into two. The Pardesi Jews, also called the “White Jews,” settled later, coming to India from Western European nations such as Holland and Spain, and spoke the ancient Sephardic language of Ladino. A notable settlement of Spanish and Portuguese Jews starting in the 15th century was Goa, but this settlement eventually disappeared. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Cochin had an influx of Jewish settlers from the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain.
![]() Pardesi Synagogue Cochin |
The Jews of Cochin traditionally say that they came to Cranganore (an ancient port near Cochin in south-west India) after the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E. They had, in effect, their own principality for many centuries until a chieftainship dispute broke out between two brothers in the 15th century. The dispute led neighboring princes to dispossess them. In 1524, the Moors, backed by the ruler of Calicut (today called Kozhikode) attacked the Jews of Cranganore on the pretext that they were tampering with the pepper trade. Most Jews fled to Cochin and went under the protection of the Hindu Raja there. He granted them a site for their own town that later acquired the name "Jew Town" (by which it is still known).
Unfortunately for the Jews of Cochin, the Portuguese occupied Cochin during this same period and indulged in persecution until the Dutch displaced them in 1660. The Dutch Protestants were tolerant, and the Jews prospered. In 1795, Cochin passed into the British sphere of influence. In the 19th century, Cochin Jews lived in the towns of Cochin, Ernakulam, Aluva, and North Paravur.
Most of Cochin‘s Jews have emigrated (principally to Israel), intermarried, or converted, and now there are believed to be only 13 elderly Indian-born Jews from seven families still living in Kochi. There are currently 53 practicing Cochin Jews in Kerala, along with three synagogues. The Pardesi Synagogue in Kochi, built in 1568, is the only one still open and is a protected heritage site. Many fear that the Jews of Cochin will soon wither away.
On August 11, 2024, it was reported that Queenie Hallegua, the last Jewish woman of the Paradesi community in Kochi, India, passed away at 89, leaving her nephew as the final Jew in the area. Queenie played a significant role in the community, serving as the warden of the 450-year-old Paradesi Synagogue and managing partner of the historic S. Koder House. Her passing marks a significant moment for the Jewish community in Kochi, which once had thousands of members but has dwindled over the years. The Paradesi community is remembered for its cultural contributions and dedication to tradition.
The Jews of Calcutta
Near the end of the 18th century, a third group of Indian Jews appeared. They were the Middle Eastern Jews who came to India through trade. They established a trading network stretching from Aleppo to Baghdad to Basra to Surat/Bombay to Calcutta to Rangoon to Singapore to Hong Kong and eventually as far as Kobe, Japan. There were strong family bonds amongst the traders in all these places.
The founder of the Calcutta community is typical: Shalom Aharon Ovadiah HaCohen. He was born in Aleppo in 1762 and left in 1789. He arrived in Surat in 1792 and established himself there. He traded as far as Zanzibar. In 1798, he moved to Calcutta. In 1805, he was joined by his nephew, Moses Simon Duek HaCohen, who married his eldest daughter Lunah. Soon, the community was swelled by other traders, and Baghdadis outnumbered those from Aleppo.
Under British rule, the Jews of India achieved their maximum population and wealth, and the Calcutta community continued to grow and prosper and trade with all the cities of the Far East and the rest of the world. The Indians were very tolerant, and the Jews of Calcutta felt completely at home. Their numbers reached a peak of about 5,000 during World War II, when they were swelled by refugees fleeing the Japanese advance into Burma.
The first generations of Calcutta Jews spoke Judeo-Arabic at home, but by the 1890s English was the language of choice. After WWII, the rise of Indian nationalism made Jews feel less comfortable because they were identified with the English by the Indians. India‘s Jewish population declined dramatically starting in the 1940s with heavy immigration to Israel, England, and the United States. This is where most Indian Jews live today.
The Jews of Calcutta now number about 2,150, of whom 150 are European and the remainder natives of Asiatic Turkey, Persia, and southern Arabia.
Baghdadi Jews
The Baghdadi Jewish community, so-called because they are descendents of Iraqi Jewish immigrants who came to that country during the British Raj, not only includes Jews from the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad, but from other areas of Iraq, as well as Jews from Syrian, Yemenite, Persian, and Turkish origin. The community developed as a result of Jews fleeing religious persecution in Muslim lands to the northwest of India during the British imperial era. Unlike other Jewish communities in India, whose oral tradition attests to a presence in India going back as long as 2000 years, the Baghdadi communities were established relatively recently (in the past few centuries).
The Baghdadis have completely assimilated into Indian society. A contributing factor for their assimilation was their physical features and resemblance to the East Indians. The Baghdadis originally came to India from Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan, so they had dark olive skin and black, dark brown hair, that gave them that distinct Middle Eastern appearance and an Indian resemblance.
Bene Menashe
The Bene Menashe community consists of members of the Chin-Kuki-Mizo tribe, which lives in the northeast Indian states of Manipur and Mizoram, near the border of Myanmar. Linguistically, they are Tibeto-Burmans. For generations, they kept Jewish traditions, claiming to be descended from the Tribe of Manasseh, one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel that was exiled by the Assyrians in the eighth century B.C.E. and has since disappeared.
In the 19th century, the tribe‘s members were converted to Christianity, but in the 1970s, some of the community began practicing Judaism again and set themselves apart from the rest of the tribe, after Pentecostalist called Chalianthanga or Mela Chala (the name varies) from the Buallawn village dreamt that God instructed him to direct his people to return to their pre-Christian religion, which he determined to be Judaism and to return to their original homeland, Israel.
The group was named Bene Menashe by Rabbi Eliyahu Avichail, who heard about the tribe in 1979 and traveled to their village in India several times in the 1980s because they believed that the legendary Kuki-Mizo ancestor Manmasi is one and the same with Menassah, son of Joseph. Rabbi Avichail‘s organization, Amishav (Hebrew for "my people return"), dedicated itself to converting the Bene Menashe to the Orthodox tradition and eventually bringing them to settle in Israel.
In July 2005, the Bene Menashe community built its first mikvah, or a Jewish ritual bath, in Mizoram under the supervision of Israeli rabbis to begin the conversion process. Shortly after, a similar mikvah was built in Manipur. In mid-2005, with the help of Shavei Israel, an organization founded by Avichail’s friend, journalist Michael Fruend, and the local council of Kiryat Arba, the Bene Menashe opened its first community center in Israel.
In March 2005, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, one of Israel’s two chief rabbis, decided to recognize the members of India’s Bene Menashe community as descendants of the ancient Israelites due to their exceptional devotion to Judaism. Nevertheless, those who arrived in Israel are only granted full citizenship after a one-year temporary citizenship and conversion process.
Indian religious figures in the Mizo-Kuki churches in Mizoram, as well as Indian government officials, later expressed concern about the plan to convert the Bene Menashe and bring them to Israel so the effort was suspended, although members of Bene Menashe continued to arrive in Israel in 2006 and 2007. After a five-year period when there was no aliyah, the Israeli government announced in November 2012 that it would resume flights to bring the Bene Menashe to Israel, starting with a planeload of 270 people.
Since the early 1990s, approximately 3,000 Bene Menashe have immigrated to Israel; another 7,000 are in the pipeline waiting to immigrate. In October 2013, the Israeli government gave approval for 899 more Bene Menashe to come. Seventy-eight Bene Menashe landed in Israel in June 2015 and became the first Bene Menashe to settle in the Golan Heights. In November 2017, 162 Bnei Menashe arrived in Israel to reunite with family members and make new lives in the country. 2018 saw the largest influx of Bene Menashe Jews to Israel, with approximately 430 traveling to make aliyah in the first 6 months of the year.
Bene Ephraim
The Bene Ephraim (in Hebrew, Sons of Ephraim
) are a small group of Jews, sometimes called the Telugu Jews because they speak Telugu, a Dravidian national language of India. They reside in the south-eastern province of Andhra Pradesh. Their recorded observance of Judaism, like that of the Bene Menashe, is quite recent, going back only to 1981. In the 19th century, the Bene Ephraim were converted to Christianity by Baptist missionaries.
Since 1981, about fifty families around Kottareddipalem and Ongole (capital of the nearby district of Prakasham) have begun to study and teach Torah, learn Hebrew, and seek recognition from other Jewish communities around the world. Over the years, several groups of rabbis have visited the community, but they have thus far not seen fit to extend the same recognition to this community as that recently extended to the Bene Menashe.
In 1992, the first Bene Ephraim synagogue opened in Kottareddipalem, called The House of the Children of Yakob. It was founded by former Christian preacher Shmuel Yakobi, who first encountered Judaism in the 1980s on a trip to Jerusalem. Yakobi also founded an independent open university offering correspondence courses in Torah and Hebraic Studies, calling the community the Council of Eastern Jewry.
The Chabad Movement in Mumbai was established in 2003 and Chabad purchased the Nariman House building in 2006. The Chabad house in Mumbai served many Israeli tourists and Jewish businessmen with lodging, kosher food, and a place of worship.
For three days between November 26 and November 28, 2008, Pakistani Muslim extremists terrorized the city of Mumbai and killed many tourists at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels as well as the Victoria Terminus train station.
After leaving the hotels, terrorists invaded the Chabad center at the Nariman House building, killing all of the Jews in the building including the Chabad rabbi and rebetzin. The couple’s son was snuck out of the building during the attack. Most of the Jews murdered in the Chabad House were Israeli citizens - either tourists or employees of Chabad.
Relations with Israel
After decades of hostility, India’s relations with Israel took a significant turn in 1992 when diplomatic relations were established. In recent years, ties have grown dramatically, with trade increasing from $200 million in 1992 to more than $4 billion in 2016. Israeli-Indian military cooperation has also been expanding, with Israel selling India billions of dollars worth of weapons and the two countries engaging in joint exercises. To read more, click here.
Sources: Shamash; Jerusalem Post, (November 9, 2005).
Wikipedia, “History of the Jews in India.”
Francisco, Jason L., “Meet the Telugu Jews of India.”
Jewish Encyclopedia, “Calutta Jews.”
Wax, Emily. “In India, a Jewish Outpost Slowly Withers.” The Washington Post, (August 27, 2007).
Jerusalem Post (November 30, 2008).
JTA, (November 6, 2012).
Haaretz (October 20, 2013).
“231 immigrants from two ‘lost tribes’ arrive in Israel,” Times of Israel, (November 16, 2017).
Largest exodus of Benei Manashe Jews underway from Manipur; 432 have left for Israel so far this year, Indian Express, (June 12, 2018).
Andrew Silow-Carroll, “Queenie Hallegua, second-to-last Jewish resident of historic Indian Jewish community, dies at 89,” JTA, (August 12, 2024).
Photo: Calcutta synagogue courtesy of HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library (Jono David Media);
All other photos courtesy of Karen Schapiro and Wikipedia