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Good Medicine : Forward

The U.S.-Israel relationship is based on the twin pillars of shared values and mutual interests. Given this commonality of interests and beliefs, it should not be surprising that support for Israel is one of the most pronounced and consistent foreign policy values of the American people.

Both nations are interested in promoting the health of their citizens and improving the quality of life for people everywhere. The United States, of course, is a superpower that devotes substantial resources to health services and research. Israel is a small country of only six million people that does not have comparable resources, but it still has a remarkably good health system and some of the world's leading researchers.

Our first study, Partners for Change: How U.S.-Israel Cooperation Can Benefit America, documented the broad range of existing Shared Value Initiatives, including those related to health care, that have helped both nations improve the quality of life for their citizens. We also looked more specifically at some of the Israeli innovations in the field of biotechnology. In doing research for those two reports, we learned of many other novel Israeli programs in the health sciences and have documented some of them here.

We do not believe the Israeli health system as a whole is a model for the United States, but particular elements of that system do represent alternatives to current practices that could improve the delivery of services. This study highlights some of the areas where Americans can learn from the Israelis as well as some examples of pioneering medical research that is now, or could eventually, improve the health of people in both countries and elsewhere around the world.

AICE is dedicated to strengthening the historic U.S.-Israel alliance and we believe this study, along with our others on Israeli innovations in education, promoting coexistence and care for the elderly, will contribute toward this goal by showing how our nations can unite to create a better future for their citizens.

Eli E. Hertz