Expenses for Food, Clothing, and Housing for Jews from Slovakia
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pressburg
Pressburg April 29, 1942
Pol. 4, no. 2
Re: Expenses for food, clothing, and housing of Jews received from Slovakia in Reich territory
1 copy
The German embassy is honored to apprise the Foreign Ministry of the following:
The Jews who were transferred from Slovakia to Reich territory, and those still to be transferred, will arrive—after preparation and vocational retraining—for labor mobilization in the Generalgouvernement and in the eastern occupied territories.
The lodging, food, clothing, and occupational retraining of these Jews, including their families, have created expenses that currently cannot be offset by their productivity, which has been scanty at first because it takes time for the results of vocational retraining to become evident and since few of the Jews who have been delivered and those yet to be delivered are able-bodied.
In accordance with a reckoning that has been drawn up—on the basis of experience thus far—these non - recurrent expenses come to 500 Reichsmarks per person. Therefore, the Government of Slovakia is requested to tender payment of this sum of 500 Reichsmarks to the German Reich Government for each Jew received by the Reich.
The German embassy allows itself to request the Foreign Ministry's approval of this arrangement with all possible alacrity.
Source: L. Rotkirchen, The Destruction of Slovak Jewry, Jerusalem 1961 p. 124
Source: Yad Vashem