U.S.-Israel Binational Foundations: Cornell University-BARD Program
Cornell University and the U.S.-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development fund (BARD) have established a framework for collaborative agricultural research between Cornell and Israeli scientists - the Cornell University/BARD Program (Cornell/BARD fund). The objective of the program is to promote and competitively support mission-oriented collaborative agricultural research and development activities, conducted jointly by scientists in Cornell and Israel that will be of mutual benefit by providing solutions to mutual agricultural problems.
This is a unique program between Cornell and Israeli scientists that allows Israeli scientists to have access to a new source of funds when they work with Cornell scientists. The total available funding for the current year (2003-2004) is $500,000 and the maximum amount that will be awarded to a single project is $300,000. To implement this program, Cornell was required to have matching funds but, because of the university's budget situation, new matching funds were not available. Therefore, Cornell agreed to use faculty salaries as a match. The result is that Cornell faculty will not have access to any new funds in this program. Only state-supported Cornell scientists are eligible for this program and they can use their full state salaries as a match (no other matching funds are allowed). It is Cornell's hope that Israeli scientists who are funded will enhance our mutual research programs through visiting scientists, graduate students and other personnel. The traditional BARD program, in which Cornell faculty have been very successful, will continue to provide new funds to both US (Cornell) and Israeli scientists.
The program will focus on three general topics:
- Alleviation of biotic and abiotic stresses on agricultural commodities
- Food quality, safety and security
- Plant, animal and microbial genomics related to agriculture
Sources: BARD