Attitudes of American Jews: AJC Poll 2019
(April 10 - May 7, 2019)
How important is being Jewish in your life?
Very Important |
41% |
Somewhat Important |
35% |
Not That Important |
17% |
Not Important At All |
7% |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Caring about Israel is a very important part of my being a Jew.”
Strongly Agree |
38% |
Somewhat Agree |
24% |
Somewhat Disagree |
20% |
Strongly Disagree |
15% |
Don't Know/No Response |
Do you consider being Jewish mostly a matter of religion, or more a matter of ethnicity and culture?
Religion |
24% |
Ethnicity and Culture |
59% |
Both Equally |
16% |
Don't Know/No Response |
1% |
Looking ahead five years, do you think that the ties between American and Israeli Jews will be...?
Stronger Than Today |
18% |
Weaker Than Today |
24% |
About The Same |
53% |
Don't Know/No Response |
Using the metaphor of a family, do you consider Israeli Jews as your...?
Siblings |
13% |
First Cousins |
15% |
Extended Family |
43% |
Not Part of my Family |
Don't Know/No Response |
Have you ever visited Israel?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Trump is handling US-Israel Relations?
Approve Strongly |
22% |
Approve Somewhat |
14% |
Disapprove Somewhat |
14% |
Disapprove Strongly |
45% |
Don't Know/No Response |
4% |
Compared to a year ago, do you think Americans are more united or more divided over their most important values?
Do you think it appropriate for American Jews to attempt to influence Israeli policy on such issues as national security and peace negotiations with the Palestinians?
Yes, it is Appropriate |
57% |
No, it is Not Appropriate |
40% |
Don't Know/No Response |
4% |
In the current situation, do you favor or oppose a two-state solution through the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state on the West Bank?
Favor Strongly |
33% |
Favor Somewhat |
31% |
Oppose Somewhat |
12% |
Oppose Strongly |
14% |
Don't Know/No Response |
10% |
As part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians, should Israel be willing to dismantle all, some, or none of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank?
All |
25% |
Some |
41% |
None |
28% |
Don't Know/No Response |
7% |
Looking ahead five years, do you think that the chances for peaceful coexistence between Israel and a Palestinian state will...?
Improve |
19% |
Decline |
27% |
Stay The Same |
51% |
Don't Know/No Response |
3% |
Do you support or oppose the recent American recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory?
Support |
50% |
Oppose |
39% |
Don't Know/No Response |
11% |
Do you identify as...?
Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) |
7% |
Modern Orthodox |
3% |
Conservative |
13% |
Reform |
29% |
Reconstructionist |
Secular |
Other |
Do you have family in Israel with whom you feel close?
Yes |
29% |
No |
72% |
Do you think that a thriving Diaspora is vital for the long-term future of the Jewish people?
Yes |
65% |
No |
16% |
Don't Know/No Response |
Do you think that a thriving State of Israel is vital for the long-term future of the Jewish people?
In U.S. politics today, do you consider yourself a...?
Is your opinion of the job President Trump is doing favorable or unfavorable?
Compared to a year ago, is the status of Jews in the United States more secure or less secure?
Compared to a year ago, is the climate on college campuses less hostile or more hostile toward pro-Israel students?
In your opinion, do Jews in Europe have a future, or should they leave now?
In your opinion, which foreign nation poses the single greatest danger to the United States?
China |
21% |
Iran |
14% |
North Korea |
12% |
Russia |
36% |
Another Country |
Don't Know/No Response |
Source: 2019 AJC Survey of American Jewish Opinion, AJC. Conducted April 10 - May 7, 2019.