APAM (Heb. אֲפַם), initial letters of *Asti , *Fossano , and *Moncalvo , three towns in Italy. The term (more correctly, Afam) denotes the special ritual of prayers that was used by the Jews of these communities who came there originally in the 14th century after the expulsion from France.
Bernstein, in: Tarbiz, 10 (1938/39), 13–25; Disegni, in: Scritti… Sally Mayer (1956), 78–81; Goldschmidt, in: KS, 30 (1954/55), 118–36, 264–78; Markon, in: Meḥkarim le-Zikhron… G.A. Kohut (1935), 89–101; Rau, in Emet le-Ya'akov Freimann (1937), 128–48; D. Sassoon, Ohel Dawid, 2 (1932), 829–31, no. 969.
Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2008 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.