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Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities - Annex III

  1. The powers and responsibilities of the military government and its Civil Administration in the sphere of social welfare will be transferred to and will be assumed by the Palestinian Authority.

  2. The sphere of social welfare shall include all matters dealt with in the laws, regulations and military orders listed in Appendix A, as well as responsibility over governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions, including charitable societies and institutions and voluntary and non-profit organizations.

  3. The Palestinian Authority will supervise registered foreign organizations of the type mentioned in paragraph 2 above, that currently operate in the West Bank and will register others only if their goals are not inconsistent with the peace process.

  4. The transfer of powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority shall not affect the continued authority of the military government and its Civil Administration to exercise their powers and responsibilities for security and public order as well as for other spheres not transferred, including, inter alia, the establishment of a vice squad.

  5. The Palestinian Authority may exercise the Regulation on Welfare Insurance for Civil Servants (No. 6 of 1966) with regard to its employees.

  6. Juvenile Offenders:

    Israel and the Palestinian Authority will determine arrangements for the following:

    1. The serving of sentences in the West Bank passed by courts in Israel concerning juvenile offenders, residents of the West Bank.

    2. The transfer of information necessary for the preparation of briefs by probation officers in connection with juvenile offenses.

  7. Confidentiality:

    Arrangements will be made to protect confidentiality and individual privacy in the exchange of information between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the sphere of social welfare.

  8. The respective social welfare systems of Israel and the Palestinian Authority will maintain a positive working relationship in all aspects, including general and professional training, and the exchange of information.

Appendix A

Laws, Regulations and Military Orders in the Sphere of Social Welfare

  1. Bureau of Social Affairs Law, No. 14, 1956
  2. Social Assistance Regulations, No. 14, 1959
  3. Regulations regarding Assistance to Youth, No. 48, 1959
  4. Amended Law regarding Assistance to Youth, No. 16, 1954
  5. Regulations regarding the Collection of Charitable Donations, No. 1, 1957
  6. Regulations regarding the Collection of Charitable Donations, No. 103, 1963
  7. Regulations regarding Assistance to University Students, No. 5, 1960, except for Articles 5 and 6
  8. Regulations regarding Assistance and Rehabilitation, No. 42, 1963
  9. Law regarding Charitable Societies and Social Welfare Institutions, No. 33, 1966
  10. Jordanian Regulations regarding Social Services Institutions, No. 128, 1965
  11. Regulations regarding Foster Families, No. 70, 1963