UN Security Council Resolutions: Resolution 542
(November 23, 1983)
The Security Council,
Having considered the situation prevailing in northern Lebanon,
Recalling the statement made on this question by the President of the Council on 11 November 1983 (S/16142),
Deeply concerned by the intensification of the fighting, which continues to cause much suffering and great loss of human life,
1. Deplores the loss of human life caused by the events taking place in northern Lebanon,
2. Reiterates its call for the strict respect for the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries;
3. Requests the parties concerned immediately to accept a cease-fire and scrupulously to observe the cessation of hostilities;
4. Invites the parties concerned to settle their differences exclusively by peaceful means and to refrain from the threat or use of force;
5. Pays tribute to the work done by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and by the International Committee of the Red Cross in providing emergency humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in Tripoli and its surroundings;
6. Calls upon the parties concerned to comply with the provisions of this resolution;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to follow the situation in northern Lebanon, to consult with the Government of Lebanon, and to report to the Council, which remains seized of the question.
Sources: The United Nations