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UN Security Council Resolutions: Resolution 44

(April 1, 1948)

Having rejected the Partition Resolution, the Arabs set out forcibly to abort it. Local Arab forces, assisted by an army of volunteers from neighbouring countries, attacked Jewish villages and towns. The United Nations Palestine Commission, set up to implement the Resolution, could not perform its task because it lacked the means and authority and the Mandatory Government did not allow it to enter Palestine. On 24 February 1948, the Security Council began to discuss the situation. On 1 April, it passed the following Resolution calling for a truce, and decided to convene a special session of the General Assembly "to consider further the question of the future government of Palestine" (Resolution S/715).

The Security Council,

Having received, on 9 December 1947, General Assembly resolution 181 (II) concerning Palestine dated 29 November 1947,

Having taken note of the United Nations Palestine Commission's first and second monthly progress reports and first special report on the problem of security,

Having called, on 5 March 1948, on the permanent members of the Council to consult,

Having taken note of the reports made concerning those consultations,

Requests the Secretary-General, in accordance with Article 20 of the United Nations Charter, to convoke a special session of the General Assembly to consider further the question of the future government of Palestine.

Sources: The United Nations