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UN Security Council Resolutions: Resolution 240

(October 25, 1967)

The Security Council,

Gravely concerned over recent military activities in the Middle East carried out in spite of the Security Council resolutions ordering a cease-fire,

Having heard and considered the statements made by the parties concerned,

Taking into consideration the information on the said activities provided by the Secretary-General in documents S/7930/Add.43, Add.44, Add.45, Add.46, Add.47, Add.48 and Add.49,1/

1. Condemns the violations of the cease-fire;

2. Regrets the casualties and loss of property resulting from the violations;

3. Reaffirms the necessity of the strict observance of the cease-fire resolutions;

4. Demands of the Member States concerned to cease immediately all prohibited military activities in the area, and to co-operate fully and promptly with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization.

Adopted unanimously at the 1371st meeting.


1/ Ibid.

Sources: The United Nations