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UN Security Council Resolutions: Resolution 1403

(April 4, 2002)

The following resolution was adopted following President Bush's speech calling for an end to terrorism and a withdrawal of Israeli forces that moved into Palestinian Authority territority and announcing his intention of sending Secretary of State Colin Powell to the Middle East to negotiate a cease-firel.

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 1397 (2002) of 12 March 2002 and 1402 (2002) of 30 March 2002,

Gravely concerned at the further deterioration of the situation on the ground and noting that resolution 1402 (2002) has not yet been implemented,

1. Demands the implementation of its resolution 1402 (2002) without delay;

2. Welcomes the mission of the U.S. Secretary of State to the region, as well as efforts by others, in particular the special envoys from the United States, the Russian Federation and the European Union, and the United Nations Special Coordinator, to bring about a comprehensive, just and lasting peace to the Middle East;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to follow the situation and keep the Council informed;

4. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Sources: The United Nations