UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution ES-10/11
(September 10, 2002)
The General Assembly,
Recalling its relevant resolutions, including the resolutions of the tenth emergency special session on the situation in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
Having received with interest the report of the Secretary-General prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution ES-10/10 on the recent events that took place in Jenin and in other Palestinian cities in the period from the beginning of March to 7 May 2002,1
Strongly deploring the lack of Israeli cooperation in implementing Security Council resolution 1405 (2002) of 19 April 2002, and in the preparation of the report,
Noting that a full and complete account of the events that took place in Jenin and in other Palestinian cities could not be obtained,
Reiterating the obligation of Israel, the occupying Power, fully and effectively to respect the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 19492 in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and noting that the Convention, which takes fully into account imperative military necessity, has to be respected in all circumstances,
Gravely concerned at the tragic and violent events that have taken place since September 2000 and at the continued violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, as well as in Israel,
Gravely concerned also at the reoccupation of Palestinian cities, the continuation of severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, the severe deterioration of the economic situation and the living conditions, together with the dire humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinian people,
Stressing the need to end the Israeli occupation,
Emphasizing the importance of the safety and well-being of all civilians in the whole Middle East region, and condemning all attacks against civilians on both sides,
1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;1
2. Demands the immediate cessation of military incursions and all acts of violence, terror, provocation, incitement and destruction;
3. Also demands the immediate withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from Palestinian population centres towards a return to the positions held prior to September 2000;
4. Stresses the need for all concerned parties to ensure the safety of civilians, and to respect the universally accepted norms of international humanitarian law;
5. Emphasizes the urgency of ensuring that medical and humanitarian organizations are granted unhindered access to the Palestinian civilian population at all times;
6. Stresses the need for the High Contracting Parties to follow up on the implementation of the declaration adopted on 5 December 2001 by the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention;
7. Calls for the urgently needed assistance and services to help in alleviating the current dire humanitarian situation facing the Palestinian people and to assist in rebuilding and revitalizing the Palestinian economy, and expresses support for efforts in the reconstruction of the Palestinian authority, the reform of Palestinian institutions and the holding of democratic and free elections;
8. Decides to adjourn the tenth emergency special session temporarily and to authorize the President of the General Assembly at its most recent session to resume its meetings upon request from Member States.
Sources: The United Nations