UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 512
(January 26, 1952)
The General Assembly
Recalling all the resolutions adopted at previous sessions of the General Assembly on the Palestine problem,Having examined the progress report 1/ of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine,
1. Expresses its appreciation to the Conciliation Commission for Palestine for its efforts to assist the parties to reach agreement on their outstanding differences;
2. Notes with regret that, as stated in paragraph 87 of the report, the Commission has been unable to fulfil its mandate under the resolutions of the General Assembly;
3. Considers that the governments concerned have the primary responsibility for reaching a settlement of their outstanding differences in conformity with the resolutions of the General Assembly on Palestine;
4. Urges the governments concerned to seek agreement with a view to an early settlement of their outstanding differences in conformity with the resolutions of the General Assembly on Palestine; and for this purpose to make full use of United Nations facilities;
5. Considers that the Conciliation Commission for Palestine should continue its efforts to secure the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly on Palestine and accordingly should be available to the parties to assist them in reaching agreement on outstanding questions;
6. Requests the Conciliation Commission for Palestine to render progress reports periodically to the Secretary-General for transmission to the Members of the United Nations;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary staff and facilities for carrying out the terms of the present resolution.
1/ See Official Records of the sixth session of the General Assembly, Supplement
No. 18.
Sources: The United Nations