UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 45/176
(December 19, 1990)
The General Assembly,
Recalling its previous resolutions concerning the relations between South Africa and Israel and, in particular, its resolution 44/27 F of 22 November 1989,
Having considered the report of the Special Committee against Apartheid on recent developments concerning relations between South Africa and Israel, and the report of the Secretary-General on South Africa's nuclear-tipped ballistic missile capability,
Noting with concern that the military relations between South Africa and Israel, especially in the area of military technology and in particular the collaboration in the recent production and testing of nuclear missiles, continue unabated,
1. Condemns the collaboration of Israel with the South African regime in the military and nuclear fields;
2. Reiterates its demand that Israel desist from and terminate forthwith all forms of collaboration with South Africa, particularly in the military and nuclear fields;
3. Urges the Security Council to take appropriate measures against Israel for its violation of the mandatory arms embargo against South Africa;
4. Requests the Special Committee against Apartheid to continue to monitor the relations between South Africa and Israel and keep them under constant review and report to the General Assembly and the Security Council as appropriate.
This section was adopted by 99 for, 28 against, 19 abstentions.
Sources: The United Nations