UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 41/43
(December 2, 1986)
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 181 (II) of 29 November 1947, 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, 3236 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974, 3375 (XXX) and 3376 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, 31/20 of 24 November 1976, 32/40 of 2 December 1977, 33/28 of 7 December 1978, 34/65 A and B of 29 November 1979 and 34/65 C and D of 12 December 1979, ES-7/2 of 29 July 1980, 35/169 of 15 December 1980, 36/120 of 10 December 1981, ES-7/4 of 28 April 1982, ES-7/5 of 26 June 1982, ES-7/9 of 24 September 1982, 37/86 A of 10 December 1982, 38/58 A of 13 December 1983, 39/49 A of 11 December 1984 and 40/96 A of 12 December 1985,
Having considered the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People,1/
1. Expresses its appreciation to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for its efforts in performing the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly;
2. Endorses the recommendations of the Committee contained in paragraphs 112 to 120 of its report and draws the attention of the Security Council to the fact that action on the Committee's recommendations, as repeatedly endorsed by the General Assembly at its thirty-first session and subsequently, is still awaited;
3. Requests the Committee to continue to keep under review the situation relating to the question of Palestine as well as the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Achievement of Palestinian Rights 2/ and to report and make suggestions to the General Assembly or the Security Council, as appropriate;
4. Authorizes the Committee to continue to exert all efforts to promote the implementation of its recommendations, including representation at conferences and meetings and the sending of delegations where such activities would be considered by it to be appropriate, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-second session and thereafter;
5. Requests the Committee to continue to extend its co-operation to non-governmental organizations in their contribution towards heightening international awareness of the facts relating to the question of Palestine and in creating a more favourable atmosphere for the full implementation of the Committee's recommendations, and to take the necessary steps to expand its contacts with those organizations;
6. Requests the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, established under General Assembly resolution 194 (III), as well as other United Nations bodies associated with the question of Palestine, to co-operate fully with the Committee and to make available to it, at its request, the relevant information and documentation which they have at their disposal;
7. Decides to circulate the report of the Committee to all the competent bodies of the United Nations and urges them to take the necessary action, as appropriate, in accordance with the Committee's programme of implementation;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide the Committee with all the necessary facilities for the performance of its tasks.
The General Assembly,
Having considered the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People,1/
Taking note, in particular, of relevant information contained in paragraphs 73 to 101 of that report,
Recalling its resolutions 32/40 B of 2 December 1977, 33/28 C of 7 December 1978, 34/65 D of 12 December 1979, 35/169 D of 15 December 1980, 36/120 B of 10 December 981, 37/86 B of 10 December 1982, 38/58 B of 13 December 1983, 39/49 B of 11 December 1984, and 40/96 B of 12 December 1985,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the action taken by the Secretary-General in compliance with General Assembly resolution 40/96 B;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat with the necessary resources and to ensure that it continues to discharge the tasks detailed in paragraphs 2 and 3 of General Assembly resolution 40/96 B in consultation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and under its guidance;
3. Also requests the Secretary-General to ensure the continued co-operation of the Department of Public Information and other units of the Secretariat in enabling the Division for Palestinian Rights to perform its tasks and in covering adequately the various aspects of the question of Palestine;
4. Invites all Governments and organizations to lend their co-operation to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and the Division for Palestinian Rights in the performance of their tasks;
5. Takes note with appreciation of the action taken by Member States to observe annually on 29 November the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the issuance by them of special postage stamps for the occasion.
The General Assembly,
Having considered the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People,1/
Taking note, in particular, of the information contained in paragraphs 102 to 111 of that report,
Recalling its resolution 40/96 C of 12 December 1985,
Convinced that the world-wide dissemination of accurate and comprehensive information and the role of non-governmental organizations and institutions remain of vital importance in heightening awareness of and support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian State,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the action taken by the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat in compliance with General Assembly resolution 40/96 C,
2. Requests the Department of Public Information, in full co-operation and co-ordination with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, to continue its special information programme on the question of Palestine for the biennium 1986-1987 and, in particular:
(a) To disseminate information on all the activities of the United Nations system relating to the question of Palestine;
(b) To continue to update publications on the facts and developments pertaining to the question of Palestine;
(c) To publish brochures and booklets on the various aspects of the question of Palestine, including Israeli violations of the human rights of the Arab inhabitants of the occupied territories;
(d) To expand its audio-visual material on the question of Palestine, including the production of a new film in 1987 and special series of radio programmes and television broadcasts;
(e) To organize fact-finding news missions to the area for journalists;
(f) To organize regional and national encounters for journalists.
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 38/58 C of 13 December 1983, 39/49 D of 11 December 1984 and 40/96 D of 12 December 1985, in which it, inter alia, endorsed the call for convening the International Peace Conference on the Middle East,
Recalling also the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolutions 39/49 D and 40/96 D, in which it, inter alia, requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Security Council, to continue his efforts with a view to convening the Conference,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 14 March 1986, in which he, inter alia, stated that "the obstacles which have so far prevented the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East as called for by the General Assembly still exist",3/ and his report of 29 October 1986,4/
Expressing its regret that, owing to the negative attitude of some Member States, the difficulties regarding the convening of the Conference "have remained essentially the same",5/ and expressing its hope that those Member States will reconsider their attitude,
Having heard the constructive statements made by numerous representatives, including that of the Palestine Liberation Organization,
Emphasizing the need to bring about a just and comprehensive settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict which has persisted for nearly four decades,
Recognizing that the persistence of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East constitutes a threat to security and stability in the region and to world peace, and therefore directly involves the responsibility of the United Nations,
Stressing its conviction that the convening of the Conference will constitute a major contribution by the United Nations towards the realization of a just solution to the question of Palestine conducive to the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict,
Appreciating the concern about the exacerbating situation in the Middle East as voiced in a great many statements during the general debate at the current session and at previous sessions,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the reports of the Secretary-General;
2. Determines that the question of Palestine is the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East;
3. Reaffirms once again its endorsement of the call for convening the International Peace Conference on the Middle East in conformity with the provisions of the resolution 38/58 C;
4. Stresses the urgent need for additional concrete and constructive efforts by all Governments in order to convene the Conference without further delay;
5. Endorses the call for setting up a preparatory committee, within the framework of the Security Council, with the participation of the permanent members of the Council, to take the necessary action to convene the Conference;
6. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Security Council, to continue his efforts with a view to convening the Conference and to report thereon to the General Assembly not later than 15 May 1987;
7. Decides to consider at its forty-second session the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the present resolution.
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1/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-first Session, Supplement No. 35 (A/41/35).
2/ Report of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, Geneva, 29 August-7 September 1983 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83.I.21), chap. I, sect. B.
3/ See A/41/215-S/17916, para. 2.
4/ A/41/768-S/18427.
5/ Ibid., para. 31.
Sources: The United Nations