UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 377(C)
(November 3, 1950)
The General Assembly
Recognizing that the primary function of the United Nations Organization is to maintain and promote peace, security and justice among all nations,
Recognizing the responsibility of all Member States to promote the cause of international peace in accordance with their obligations as provided in the Charter,
Recognising that the Charter charges the Security Council with the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security,
Reaffirming the importance of unanimity among the permanent members of the Security Council on all problems which are likely to threaten world peace,
Recalling General Assembly resolution 190 (III) entitled "Appeal to the Great Powers to renew their efforts to compose their differences and establish a lasting peace",
Recommends to the permanent members of the Security Council that:
(a) They meet and discuss, collectively or otherwise and, if necessary, with other States concerned, all problems which are likely to threaten international peace and hamper the activities of the United Nations, with a view to their resolving fundamental differences and reaching agreement in accordance with the spirit and letter of the Charter;
(b) They advise the General Assembly and, when it is not in session, the Members of the United Nations, as soon as appropriate, of the results of their consultations.
302nd plenary meeting,
3 November 1950.
Sources: The United Nations