UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 187
(May 6, 1948)
The General Assembly
Having asked the Trusteeship Council to study, with the Mandatory Power and the interested parties, suitable measures for the protection of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants and to submit within the shortest possible time proposals to the General Assembly to that effect,
Takes note of the conclusions and recommendations of the Trusteeship Council, as set forth in its report to the General Assembly on the protection of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants;
Approves these conclusions and recommendations;
Recommends that the Mandatory Power appoint under Palestine legislation, before 15 May 1948, a neutral acceptable to both Arabs and Jews, as Special Municipal Commissioner, who shall, with the co-operation of the community committees already existing in Jerusalem, carry out the functions hitherto performed by the Municipal Commission;
Decides that continuing urgent attention should be given by the first Committee or its subsidiary bodies to the question of further measures for the protection of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants.
1/ Following upon the report received from the Trusteeship Council, which contained only conclusions and recommendations, the General Assembly adopted the above resolution, which was proposed by the President at the 133rd plenary meeting, and amended on a motion of the Australian delegation.
2/ See document A/544.
Sources: The United Nations