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UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 1122

(November 26, 1956)

The General Assembly

Having decided, in resolutions 1000 (ES-I) and 1001 (ES-I) of 5 and 7 November 1956, to establish an emergency international United Nations Force (hereafter to be known as the United Nations Emergency Force) under a Chief of Command (hereafter to be known as the Commander),

Having considered and provisionally approved the recommendations made by the Secretary-General concerning the financing of the Force in paragraph 15 of his report of 6 November 1956,1/

1. Authorizes the Secretary-General to establish a United Nations Emergency Force Special Account to which funds received by the United Nations, outside the regular budget, for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the Force shall be credited, and from which payments for this purpose shall be made;

2. Decides that the Special Account shall be established in an initial amount of $10 million;

3. Authorizes the Secretary-General, pending the receipt of funds for the Special Account, to advance from the Working Capital Fund such sums as the Special Account may require to meet any expenses chargeable to it;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to establish such rules and procedures for the Special Account and make such administrative arrangements as he may consider necessary to ensure effective financial administration and control of that Account;

5. Requests the Fifth Committee and, as appropriate, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, to consider and, as soon as possible, to report on further arrangements that need to be adopted regarding the costs of maintaining the Force.


1/ Official Records of the General Assembly, First Emergency Special Session, Annexes, agenda item 5, document A/3302.

Sources: The United Nations