UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 1120
(November 24, 1956)
The General Assembly
Having received the report of the Secretary-General 1/ on compliance with General Assembly resolutions 997 (ES-I) and 1002 (ES-I) of 2 and 7 November 1956,
Recalling that its resolution 1002 (ES-I) called upon Israel immediately to withdraw its forces behind the demarcation line established by the General Armistice Agreement between Egypt and Israel of 24 February 1949,2/
Recalling further that the above-mentioned resolution also called upon France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland immediately to withdraw their forces from Egyptian territory, in conformity with previous resolutions,
1. Notes with regret that, according to the communications received by the Secretary-General,1/ two-thirds of the French forces remain, all the United Kingdom forces remain although it has been announced that arrangements are being made for the withdrawal of one battalion, and no Israel forces have been withdrawn behind the armistice line although a considerable time has elapsed since the adoption of the relevant General Assembly resolutions;
2. Reiterates its call to France, Israel and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to comply forthwith with resolutions 997 (ES-I) and 1002 (ES-I) of 2 and 7 November 1956;
3. Requests the Secretary-General urgently to communicate the present resolution to the parties concerned, and to report without delay to the General Assembly on the implementation thereof.
1/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Eleventh Session, Annexes, agenda item 66, documents A/3384 and Add.1 and 2.
2/ Official Records of the Security Council, Fourth Year, Special Supplement No. 3.
Sources: The United Nations