UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 1089
(November 26, 1956)
The General Assembly
Recalling its resolutions 1001 (ES-I) of 7 November 1956 and 1122 (XI) of 26 November 1956,
Emphasizing the fact that expenses incurred by the Secretary-General under the resolutions of the General Assembly are without prejudice to any subsequent determinations as to responsibilities for situations leading to the creation of the United Nations Emergency Force and to ultimate determination as to claims established as a result of expenses arising in connexion therewith,
Considering that the Secretary-General, in his report of 4 November 1956,2/ particularly in paragraph 156, has stated that the question of how the Force should be financed requires further study,
Considering that the Secretary-General, in his reports dated 21 November 3/ and 3 December 1956,4/ has recommended that the expenses relating to the Force should be apportioned in the same manner as the expenses of the Organization,
Considering further that several divergent views, not yet reconciled, have been held by various Member States on contributions or on the method suggested by the Secretary-General for obtaining such contributions,
Considering that the Secretary-General has already been authorized to enter into commitments for the expenses of the force up to an amount of $10 million,
Considering further that the matter of allocation of the expenses of the force beyond $10 million necessitates further study in all its aspects,
1. Decides that the expenses of the United Nations Emergency Force, other than for such pay, equipment, supplies and services as may be furnished without charge by Governments of member States, shall be borne by the United Nations and shall be apportioned among the Member States, to the extent of $10 million, in accordance with the scale of assessments adopted by the General Assembly for contributions to the annual budget of the Organization for the financial year 1957;5/
2. Decides further that this decision shall be without prejudice to the subsequent apportionment of any expenses in excess of $10 million which may be incurred in connexion with the Force;
3. Decides to establish a Committee composed of Canada, Ceylon, Chile, El Salvador, India, Liberia, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America to examine the question of the apportionment of the expenses of the Force in excess of $10 million. This Committee shall take into consideration, among other things, the discussions on this matter at the General Assembly, and shall study the question in all its aspects, including the possibility of voluntary contributions, the fixing of maximum amounts for the expenses of the Emergency Force that, with prior approval by the General Assembly, could be established on each occasion, and the principle or the formulation of scales of contributions different from the scale of contributions by member States to the ordinary budget for 1957. The Committee will present its report as soon as possible.
1/ For other resolutions relating to agenda item 66, see pages 46, 61 and
2/ Official Records of the General Assembly, First Emergency Special Session, Annexes, agenda item 5, document A/3302.
3/ Ibid., Eleventh Session, Annexes, agenda item 66, document A/3383.
4/ Ibid., Eleventh Session, Fifth Committee, 541st meeting, paras. 78 to 81.
5/ See resolution 1087 (XI).
Sources: The United Nations