Subcamps of Auschwitz
More than 40 subcamps of Auschwitz. exploiting the prisoners as slave laborers were established mostly at German industrial plants and farms, between 1942 and 1944.
- Altdorf in Stara Wieś near Pszczyna (1942 – 1943). Forestry work, employer: Oberforstamt Pless (Pszczyna forestry authority), 10-20 prisoners.
- Althammer in Stara Kuźnia near Halemba (September 1944 - January 1945). Construction of thermal electric power plant, 486 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Babitz in Babice near Oświęcim (March 1943 - January 1945). Agricultural work on an SS farm, 159 men prisoners (January 17, 1945) and approximately 180 women prisoners (summer 1944).
- Birkenau in Brzezinka (1943 - January 1945). Agricultural work on an SS farm, 204 men prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Bismarckhütte in Chorzów (September 1944 - January 1945). Production of cannons and armored vehicles in the Bismarck mill, company: Berghütte -Königs und Bismarckhütte AG, 192 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Blechhammer in Sławięcice near Blachownia Śląska (April 1944 - January 1945). Construction of chemical plant, company: O/S Hydrierwerke AG, 3958 prisoners (January 17, 1945) and 157 women prisoners (December 30, 1944).
- Bobrek in Bobrek near Oświęcim (May 1944 - January 1945, first prisoners employed here in December 1943). Production of electrical apparatus for aircraft and submarines, company: Siemens-Schuckerwerke AG, 213 men prisoners (January 17, 1945) and 38 women prisoners (December 30, 1944).
- Brünn in Brno (Czechoslovakia) (October 1943 - January 1945). Construction work on the SS and Police Technical Academy, employer: SS-WVHA bureau C -Bauleitung Brünn, 250 prisoners (October 1943), 36 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Budy in Budy near Oświęcim (April 1943 - autumn 1944). Agricultural labor on an SS farm, several hundred women prisoners.
- Budy in Budy near Oświęcim (April 1942 - January 1945, with an interruption in the autumn and winter of 1942/43). Agricultural labor on an SS farm, 313 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Budy in Budy near Oświęcim (June 1942 - spring 1943). Agricultural labor on an SS farm including drainage work (digging ditches) and cleaning and deepening fish ponds, approximately 400 women prisoners from the penal company (summer 1942).
- Buna, see Monowitz
- Charlottegrube in Rydułtowy (September 1944 - January 1945). Coal mining and mine construction work at the Charlotte mine, company: Hermann Göring Werke, 833 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Chełmek in Chełmek (October 1942 - December 1942). Labor at the shoe factory (deepening and cleaning the water reservoir), company: Ota Schlesische Schuh-werke (formerly Bata), approximately 150 prisoners.
- Eintrachthütte in Świętochłowice (May 1943 - January 1945). Production of anti-aircraft artillery in the Eintracht mill, company: Berghütte-OSMAG i Ost-Maschinenbau, 1,297 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Freudenthal in Bruntalu (Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) (1944 -January 1945). Emmerich Machold company, 301 women prisoners (December 30, 1944), fruit-processing labor.
- Fürstengrube in Wesoła near Mysłowice (September 1943 - January 1945). Coal mining and the excavation of a new mine at the Fürsten mine, company: Fürstengrube GmbH, 1,283 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Gleiwitz I in Gliwice (March 1944 - January 1945). Repair of railroad rolling stock, company: Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk, 1,336 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Gleiwitz II in Gliwice (May 1944 - January 1945). Production of coal tar (women), repair and maintenance of machinery, factory expansion (men), company: Deutsche Gasrusswerke GmbH, 740 men prisoners (January 17, 1945) and 371 women prisoners (December 30, 1944).
- Gleiwitz III in Gliwice (July 1944 - January 1945). Renovation of the Glewitzer Hütte factory building, followed by production of arms, ammunition, and railroad wheels, company: Zieleniewski-Maschinen und Waggonbau GmbH, Krakau, 609 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Gleiwitz IV in Gliwice (June 1944 - January 1945). Expansion of barracks, repair and reconditioning of military vehicles, 444 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Golleschau in Goleszów (July 1942 - January 1945). Labor in SS cement plant, company: Ostdeutsche Baustoffwerke GmbH-Goleschauer Portland Zement AG, 1,008 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Günthergrube in Lędziny (February 1944 - January 1945). Coal mining in the Piast mine and construction of the Günther mine, company: Fürstlich Plessische Bergwerks AG, 586 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Harmense in Harmęże near Oświęcim (December 1941 - summer 1943). Agricultural labor on an SS farm (raising poultry, rabbits, and fish), approximately 70 prisoners.
- Harmense in Harmęże near Oświęcim (June 1942 - January 1945). Agricultural labor on an SS farm (raising poultry, rabbits, and fish), approximately 50 women prisoners.
- Hindenburg in Zabrze (August 1944 - January 1945). Production of weapons and ammunition in the Donnersmark mill, company: Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, 50 prisoners (January 17, 1945) and 470 women prisoners (December 30, 1944).
- Hubertshütte in Łagiewniki (December 1944 - January 1945). Labor in the Huberts mill, company: Berghütte Königs und Bismarckhütte AG, 202 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Janinagrube in Libiąż (September 1943 - January 1945). Coal mining in the Janina mine, company: Fürstengrube GmbH, 853 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Jawischowitz in Jawiszowice (August 1942 - January 1945). Coal mining and surface construction work at the Brzeszcze-Jawischowitz mine, company: Reichswerke Hermann Göring, 1988 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Kobier in Kobiór (1942 - 1943). Forestry work, employer: Oberforstamt Pless (Pszczyna forestry authority), 158 prisoners (April 25, 1943).
- Lagischa in Łagisza (September 1943 - September 1944). Construction of the Walter thermal electric power plant, company: Energie-Versorgung Oberschlesien AG, approximately 1000 prisoners.
- Laurahütte in Siemianowice (April 1944 - January 1945). Production of anti-aircraft artillery in the Laura mill, company: Berghütte - Königs und Bismarckhütte, 937 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Lichtewerden w Světlá (Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) (November 1944 -January 1945). Labor in a thread factory, company: G.A. Buhl und Sohn, 300 women prisoners (December 30, 1944).
- Mesersitz in Międzyrzecze (October 1942 - January 1943). Forestry work.
- Monowitz (Buna) in Monowice near Oświęcim (October 1942 - January 1945, first prisoners employed in April 1941). Construction of a chemical complex, company: IG Farbenindustrie AG, 10,223 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Neu-Dachs in Jaworzno (June 1943 - January 1945). Coal mining in the Jaworzno mines and construction of the Wilhelm electric power plant, company: Energie Versorgung Oberschlesien AG, 3,664 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Neustadt in Prudnik (September 1944 - January 1945). Work in a textile mill, company: Schlesische Feinweberei AG, 399 women prisoners (December 30, 1944)
- Plawy in Pławy near Oswięcim (1944 - January 1945). Agricultural labor on an SS farm, 138 men prisoners (January 17, 1945) and approximately 200 women prisoners (January 1945)
- Radostowitz in Radostowice near Pszczyna (1942 - 1943). with an interruption in the winter of 1942/1943, Forestry work, employer: Oberforstamt Pless (Pszczyna forestry authority), approximately 20 prisoners.
- Raisko in Rajsko (June 1943 - January 1945). Agricultural labor on an SS farm (gardening and experimental cultivation of the rubber plant), approximately 300 women prisoners (1944).
- Sonderkommando Kattowitz in Katowice (January 1944 - January 1945). Construction of air-raid shelters and barracks for the Gestapo, 10 prisoners.
- Sosnowitz (I) in Sosnowiec (August 1943 - February 1944). Renovation of an office building, 100 prisoners.
- Sosnowitz (II) in Sosnowiec (May 1944 - January 1945). Labor in a steel mill, casting barrels for anti-aircraft cannon and producing shells, company: Berghütte-Ost-Maschinenbau GmbH, 863 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Sośnica near Gliwice (July - August 1940). Demolition of buildings at the site of a POW camp, approximately 30 prisoners.
- SS Hütte Porombka in Międzybrodzie (October-November 1940 - January 1945). Construction and staffing of an SS rest house, (several dozen prisoners during construction, less than ten women prisoners during normal service).
- SS Bauzug in Karlsruhe (September 1944 - October 1944). Clearing rubble and repairing railroad lines in the city, employer: SS-WVHA Bureau C, approximately 500 prisoners. (The prisoners were quartered in railroad freight cars. Around October 10, 1944, the sub-camp was placed under the control of Buchenwald Concentration Camp and, several days later, was renamed 7-SS Eisenbahnbaubrigade and transferred to Stuttgart).
- Trzebinia in Trzebinia (August 1944 - January 1945). Expansion of the refinery, company: Erdöl Raffinerie GmbH, 641 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
- Tschechowitz (I) - Bombensucherkommando in Czechowice Dziedzice (August -September 1944). Removal of unexploded bombs from the refinery and surrounding areas, company: Vacuum Oil Company, approximately 100 prisoners.
- Tschechowitz (II) - Vacuum in Czechowice Dziedzice (September 1944 - January 1945). Clearing rubble and maintaining the refinery, company: Vacuum Oil Company, 561 prisoners (January 17, 1945).
Source: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum