Herman D. Stein
STEIN, HERMAN D. (1917– ), U.S. social work educator. Born in New York, Stein taught social work research at the New York School of Social Work, Columbia University, from 1945 to 1947. He then worked for three years with the *American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (director of welfare department, 1948–50), and returned to the New York School of Social Work, where from 1958 to 1964 he was a professor. From 1959 to 1964 he also directed its research center. In 1964 he became professor and dean of the School of Applied Social Services, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, and in 1967 provost for Social and Behavioral Sciences, Case Western Reserve University. The many national and international committees on which Stein served include the National Institute of Mental Health (chairman, social work committee, 1958–62); the Council of Social Work Education (president, 1966–69); and the International Association of Schools of Social Work (president, elected 1968). He was an expert adviser for UNESCO and UNICEF.
In 1998 the CWRU's Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences initiated the annual Herman D. Stein Lectureship in International Social Welfare to honor Stein's "extraordinary lifework and accomplishments in building international social services."
A book of Stein's selected papers, Challenge and Change in Social Work Education, was published in 2003. Among the books Stein edited are Social Perspectives on Behavior (with R.A. Cloward, 1958) and Social Theory and Social Invention (1968), a collection of essays; and The Crisis in Welfare in Cleveland (1969). His many articles included studies of Jewish social work in the United States.
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.