Statement by Prime Minister Peres on Hebron Redeployment
(May 3, 1996)
While there was an understanding between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, that the IDF redeployment in Hebron would be postponed at least until after the elections in Israel, the following statement stressed Israel's commitment to implement the agreement as signed in September 1995. To calm fears of settlers, Mr. Peres said he had no intention of evacuating Jews from Hebron. Text:
Prime Minister and Defense Minister Shimon Peres stated, today, Friday (03.05.96), that Israel is committed to the decision on the IDF's redeployment in Hebron. According to the Interim Agreement, between Israel and the Palestinians, Israel will be responsible for the entire area where Jews live in Hebron, as well as the Tomb of the Patriarchs compound and the access routes to the site.
The IDF will remain deployed in these areas and will continue to guarantee the security of the Jewish residents.
In consultations held by the Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Peres declared that he has no intention of evacuating the Jewish community from Hebron.
Israel will coordinate the manner of the redeployment with Palestinian Authority security officials so as to ensure the implementation of the Agreement.