Haim Saban sent an email to Hillary Clinton's campaign chairwoman Huma Abedin on March 30, 2015, including recent articles from the New York Times and the Algemeiner, where Hillary had stated her position on the U.S.-Israel relationship. Haim praises her statements as “very smart and politically correct,” and made clear that the articles included in the email would be sent to “thousands of people who are interested in the subject matter and who have been asking themselves... 'Where is Hillary on this.'”
From: Haim Saban
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 5:56 AM
To: Hspeumpottsa Abedin ([email protected])
Cc: Laura Hartigan; Alex De Ocampo
Subject: FW: Hillary Clinton Tells Malcolm Hoenlein Wants to Improve Relations With Israel
Hey Huma.
A very good statement ,,,,,w/o saying anything that would show even a sign of criticism of the administration.
Very smart and politically correct.
Pls say thanks to the lady.
*Below: NYT & Algemeiner*
From: Haim Saban <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: Hillary Clinton Tells Malcolm Hoenlein Wants to Improve Relations With Israel
To: "Hspeumpottsa Abedin ([email protected])" <[email protected]>
Cc: Laura Hartigan <[email protected]>, Alex De Ocampo < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Also pls be aware that these articles will be mailed to thousands of people who are interested in the subject matter and who have been asking themselves... and me, many times ”Where is Hillary on this”
Well... now they will know.
Adding John.