Netanyahu Apologizes for Comments About Israeli Arabs - (October 17, 2016) On March 23, 2015, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta received an email from Jake Sullivan, the top foreign policy advisor of the Clinton campaign, containing a link to a New York Times article in which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu apologized for his pre-election day comments that Israeli-Arab citizens were coming out to vote “in droves.” Sullivan quips that “Pragmatic Bibi makes an appearance,” and Hillary responds that the conciliatory opening should be exploited, adding that a “Potemkin” (false, or deceptive) peace process is better than nothing. From: Jake Sullivan <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 8:56:00 PM To: H; John Podesta Subject: Netanyahu Apologizes for Comments About Israeli Arabs - Unsurprisingly, Pragmatic Bibi makes an appearance. On Mar 23, 2015, at 9:03 PM, H <[email protected]> wrote: This is an opening that should be exploited. A Potemkin process is better than nothing. Also, see the interview w the Times correspondent in Israel about Bibi's next moves. Source: Wikileaks |