Israel-Jordan Statement on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
(November 27, 1994)
A month after the signing in the Arava of the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, the two countries announced their decision to establish full diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. The move was made even before the conclusion of various issues that remained to be resolved between the two nations, among them water land, and economic ties. The following statement was issued simultaneously in Jerusalem and in Amman:
The Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in accordance with the Peace Treaty that was signed on 26 October 1994, and desirous to build and develop relations of friendship and cooperation, hereby declare as of today to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.
The two countries wish to express, on this occasion, their aspiration and hope that these relations will consolidate and enhance the foundations of peace and launch and develop aspects of cooperation between them in the interest of both countries and to the benefit of expanding the horizons of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the region.
The two countries will exchange ambassadors very soon.