Israel Election Timeline
54 days before elections: The list of registered voters is published, and verified three days afterwards.
47-48 days before elections: Parties' slate of candidates must be submitted to the Central Elections Committee. Candidates with a criminal conviction can request a ruling stating that their offense is not one of moral turpitude.
41-40 days before elections: Last day to submit a request to disqualify a running party.
30 days before elections: The committee announces final approval or disqualification of all parties.
28 days before elections: Chairman of the Elections Committee announces his decisions regarding moral turpitude of candidates.
21 days before elections: Notice is sent to all voters.
20 days before elections: Chairman of the Ballot Committee is appointed.
14 days before elections: Party election campaign broadcasts begin on television, the chairman of the Central Elections Committee issues an announcement of the freedom of elections. Polling locations are released.
12 days before elections: Voting begins in Israeli missions overseas and on Israeli ships at sea.
Election Day.
8 days after elections: Official results are announced. Shortly thereafter the president begins consultations before giving the task of forming the new government to one Knesset member.
14 days after elections: Appeals may be filed to Administrative Court in Jerusalem.
Jonathan Lis, “Timeline: Israel Just Called Early Elections. Here’s What You Can Expect,” Haaretz, (Dec 24, 2018).