Experience Counts: Innovative Programs for the Elderly in Israel That Can Benefit Americans
by Jenny Brodsky, Eileen Kaplan & Tamara Barnea
Experience Counts: Publications: Table of Contents
What is the JDC-Brookdale Institute?
I. Overview of Services for the Aged in Israel
II. Long-Term Care
- Regulatory System to Assess Quality of Care in Nursing Homes and Old Age Homes
- Financing Community-Based Long-Term Care for Severely Disabled Elderly
- Shmuel HaRofe Geriatric Medical Center: Continuity of Care in a Geriatric Teaching Hospital
- Social Model of Day Care for the Disabled
III. Voluntarism And Productive Aging
- Nationwide Volunteer Program to Provide Medical Equipment and Assistive Devices to the Elderly (Yad Sarah)
- Volunteer-Based Counseling Centers and Home Visitation Service for the Elderly
- Counseling Centers
- Friendly Visiting
- Identification of Older Persons at Risk
- Use of Volunteers in Monitoring Quality of Care Under the Community Long-Term Care Insurance Law
- Neighborhood-Based Volunteer Program for the Elderly
- A Community-Wide Program to Promote Voluntarism by the Elderly (PITGAM)
- Lifeline for the Elderly
IV. Housing and Aging in Place
V. Educational Programs
- Bar-Ilan Brookdale Program in Applied Gerontology
- Senior Auditors Program
- Center for Third Age Learning
- Computers for the Third Age
- Seniors as Researchers in the Study of Aging
- Housebound Learning Reaching Out to Older Shut-Ins
- Two-Year Senior Leadership Certificate Program
- Educational Curriculum: "Like a Planted Tree"
- Audiovisual Center for the Elderly
VI. Planning and Development of Services
- Developing Master Plans for Services for the Elderly at the Local Level
- Coordination in the Planning and Development of Services at the National and Local Level: Partnerships between the Governmental and Voluntary Sectors
- National Level: JDC-ESHEL (The Association for the Planning and Development of Services in Israel)
- Local Associations for the Elderly
- Linking Policymaking and Research on Aging: The JDC-Brookdale Institute, a Partnership between the Government and the Voluntary Sector