Barack Obama Administration: Executive Orders, Memoranda & Vetoes
(2009 - Present)
- Extending Waiver to Postpone Stipulations of Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (June 6)
- Authorizing the Implementation of Sanctions from Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 with Respect To Iran (June 3)
- Authorizing the Implementation the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (October 9)
- Authorizing Additional Sanctions with Respect to Iran (July 31)
- Extending Waiver to Postpone Stipulations of Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (June 1)
- Prohibiting Transactions with, and Barring Entry to, Iran Sanctions Evaders (May 1)
- Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Persons with Respect to Human Rights Abuses in Iran (April 23)
- Blocking Property of the Government of Iran and Iranian Financial Institutions (February 6)
- Imposing Sanctions Against Business with Iran (November 21)
- Waiver to Not Cut Aid to the Palestinian Authority (August 30)
- Postpones Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (June 3)
- United States Will Not Attend Durban III (June 1)
- Authorizing the Implementation of Sanctions on Iran (May 23)
- Declaring May 2011 Jewish American Heritage Month (April 29)
- Vetoes Security Council Resolution on Israeli Settlements (February 18)
- Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (June 24)
- Extending Waiver to Postpone Stipulations of Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (June 2)
- Renews Syria Sanctions (May 3)
- Waives Statutory Provisions on the PLO Office (April 7)
- Waives Restrictions on Funds to the Palestinian Authority (April 7)
- Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (January 28)
- Iran Refined Pertroleum Sanctions Act (December 15)
- Extending Waiver to Postpone Stipulations of Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (December 3)
- Waives Statutory Provisions on the PLO Office (October 8)
- Extending Waiver to Postpone Stipulations of Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (June 5)
- Proclamation of Jewish American Heritage Month (May 12)
- Waives Statutory Provisions on the PLO Office (April 9)