Andrei Tudor
(1907 – 1959)
Andrei Tudor (originally Isaac Rozen
After graduating from the Nicolae Bălcescu National College in 1926, he attended law school at the University of Bucharest and was licensed to practice law in 1930 but never did. Instead, Tudor pursued a writing and journalistic career.
In 1934, he was awarded the poetry prize by Fundaţia Pentru Literaturǎ şi Artǎ "Regele Carol II, which published his volume Amor 1926. Between 1927 and 1940, he was a music critic at several dailies (Rampa, Cuvîntul, etc.) and published poetry and essays in literary magazines (Revista Fundaţiilor Regale, Universul Literarˆ, Convorbiri Literare, etc.). He also published translations of Verlaine, Jammes, and Yiddish poetry.
In 1940, Romania passed anti-Semitic legislation, and his name stopped appearing in print. Tudor appears in print again in 1946, writing about music and translating social realist poetry.
Tudor was interested in Romanian music and Enescu in particular. In 1957, he published the first Romanian language Enescu monograph and the widely translated “Enescu: his life in pictures.”
He was a professor of music history at the Bucharest Conservatory.
In 1955, he proposed the creation of an international Enescu music festival and curated the opening of the Enescu museum.
In May 1959, he fell while attending the Prague Spring Festival and died on June 18, 1959, in Bucharest.
Academia Română (2007). Andrei Tudor.
Dicționarul General al Literaturii Române (in Romanian) [The General Dictionary of Romanian Literature]. București [The General Dictionary of Romanian Literature]: Editura Univers Enciclopedic. pp. 787–788. ISBN 978-973-637-
Cosma, Viorel (2006). Andrei Tudor.
Muzicieni din România (in Romanian) [Romanian musicians]. Vol. 9. Bucharest: Music Publishing House. p. 114. ISBN 978-973-42-0441-0
Călinescu, George (1941). Andrei Tudor.
Istoria Literaturii Române Dela Origini Până în Prezent [The history of Romanian Literature from origins until the present] (in Romanian). București: Fundat̡ia re gală pentru literatură s̡i arta. OCLC 1064893006.
Podoleanu, S. (1935). Andrei Tudor.
60 Scriitori Români De Origină Evreească [60 Jewish Romanian writers] (in Romanian). București: Slova. OCLC 252731680
Enescu Festival Proposal: https://commons.
Sources: Alexander Tudor.
Andrei Tudor,
Photo: Atudor, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.