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UK on Arms Sales and Israeli Intentions

(June 14, 1955)

Discussion about Israel during a British Cabinet meeting a year before the Suez War.


Some think Israel contemplates early attack on Gaza strip. We ourselves have no direct inform[ation] to this effect. Rumour that Nassers’ pos[ition] is shaky. That mght make him more truculent.


Israel Elections. Ben Gurion trying for a come back: if he succeeds, he will be bellicose - always has had view th[a]t quick slog at Arabs is best bet.  


As a result, we are checking by admin[istrative] means the supply of arms to both sides. 

A review will be submitted to Cabinet. Not satisfy because others (e.g. French Swedes) aren't co-operating. 


Thought we meant to give something to Israel fr. Canal Base. But in Oct. M/State F.O. gave undertak[in]g. th[a]t we w[woul]d. give nothing. Unfortunate. We c[oul]d have left some A.A. guns behind. 


Believe this pledge had to be given, because of pressure. If so, we can’t go back on it. 

Source: British Archives: CAB/128/195/13