World War II: Turkish-German Friendship Treaty
(June 18, 1941)
The German Government and the Turkish Republic, inspired by a desire to place relations between the two countries on a basis of mutual confidence and sincere friendship, agreed without prejudice to present obligations of both countries to conclude a treaty.
For this purpose the German Reich Chancellor appointed Ambassador Franz von Papen and the President of the Turkish Republic appointed Foreign Minister Shukru Saracoglu as plenipotentiaries, who, on the basis of full powers accorded them, have agreed on the following declaration:
Article I
Germany and Turkey bind themselves mutually to respect the integrity and inviolability of their territories and will take no measure that is aimed directly or indirectly against the other contracting party.
Article II
Germany and Turkey bind themselves in the future to communicate with each other in friendly manner on all questions affecting their common interests in order to bring about understanding on the treatment of such questions.
Article III
The foregoing treaty will be ratified by articles of ratification, which shall be exchanged forthwith in Berlin. The treaty enters into force on the day of signature and is effective from then onward for a period of ten years.
The parties concluding the treaty will agree at the proper time regarding the question of extending the treaty.
Drawn up in duplicate in the original, in the German and Turkish languages, in Ankara on June 18, 1941.
A supplemental note exchanged by the German and Turkish Governments said:
In connection with the happy conclusion of the German-Turkish treaty today I have the honor to bring Your Excellency's attention to the fact that my government is ready, in so far as is at all possible, to further economic relations between Germany and Turkey, taking into account the possibilities given by the economic structure of the two countries and taking as a basis experiences made for the benefit of both countries by each other during the war. Both governments will enter forthwith into negotiations in order as far as possible to create a treaty basis for the carrying out of this agreement.
In connection with the happy conclusion of the treaty the plenipotentiaries of both sides express the wish that the press of both countries, as well as the radio on both sides, in their publications and transmissions will always take account of the spirit of friendship and mutual confidence that characterizes German-Turkish relations.
[New York Times, June 19, 1941.]
Sources: ibiblio