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KOLBERG (Pol. Kołobrzeg), city in Pomerania, Poland. The first evidence of Jews in Kolberg dates from 1261. After the expulsion of 1492/93 some Jews who converted to Christianity remained in the town. Jewish wool merchants were again to be found in Kolberg in the 17th century. In 1702 Hirschel Salomon and Aaron Moses were refused permission to settle there after protests by Christian merchants. In 1785–88 three Schutzjuden ("protected Jews") were contractors for obtaining amber. After 1812 Jews were legally allowed to reside in Kolberg, and in that year a cemetery was consecrated. There were 40 persons in the community in 1816 and 440 in 1895. A convalescent home was dedicated in 1899 by Salomon Goldschmidt, who served as rabbi until 1925. In 1933, 197 Jews remained, maintaining a school, cemetery, synagogue, and teacher who was also cantor. The community came to an end in World War II and was not subsequently reconstituted.


U. Grotefend, Geschichte und rechtliche Stellung der Juden in Pommern von den Aufaengen bis zum Tode Friedrichs des Grossen (1931 = Baltische Studien, vol. 32, 1930); PK Germanyah; FJW (1932–33), 77.

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.