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Basic Laws of Israel: The Army


Defence Army of Israel 1. The Defence Army of Israel is the army of the State.


Subordination to civil authority 2. (a) The Army is subject to the authority of the Government.

(b) The Minister in charge of the Army on behalf of the Government is the Minister of Defence.


Chief of the General Staff 3. (a) The supreme command level in the Army is the Chief of the General Staff.

(b) The Chief of the General Staff is subject to the authority of the Government and subordinate to the Minister of Defence.

(c) The Chief of the General Staff shall be appointed by the Government upon the recommendation of the Minister of Defence.


Duty to serve and recruitment 4. The duty of serving in the Army and recruitment for the Army shall be as prescribed by or by virtue of Law.


Instructions and orders in the Army 5. The power to issue instructions and orders binding in the Army shall be prescribed by or by virtue of Law.


6. No armed force other than the Defence Army of Israel shall be established or maintained except under Law.


Prime Minister

President of the State

* Passed by the Knesset on the 29th Adar Bet, 5736 (31st March, 1976) and published in Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 806 of the 9th Nisan, 5736 (9th April, 1976), p. 154; the Bill and an Explanatory Note were published in Hatza'ot Chok No. 1197 of 5735, p. 418.

Sources: The Knesset