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Rafah (Ar. Rafaḥ; Heb. Rafi’ah) is a town near the Mediterranean coast, 22 mi. (35 km.) S. of Gaza. Rafah is first mentioned in an inscription of the pharaoh Seti I (c. 1300 B.C.E.) as Rph; it also appears in other Egyptian sources, in Papyrus Anastasi I, and in the inscription of Shishak. As a border town on the way to Egypt and a point of sharp transition from desert to cultivated land, it is frequently referred to as the site of conflicts between the armies of Egypt and its neighbors.

In 721 B.C.E., Sargon of Assyria defeated at Rapihu (Rafa) Sibʾe of Egypt and Hanno of Gaza; the Assyrians burned the city and deported 9,033 inhabitants. Rafah does not appear in the Bible; the Targums (in Deut. 2:23) identify it with Hazerim. It was the center of important operations in the Hellenistic period during the wars of the Diadochi. Antigonus attacked it in 306 B.C.E., and in 217 B.C.E., Antiochus III of Syria was defeated there by the army of Ptolemy V of Egypt (Polybius 5:82–86). The town was conquered by Alexander Yannai and held by the Hasmoneans until it was rebuilt in the time of Pompey and Gabinius; the latter seems to have done the actual work of restoration for the era of the town, dating from 57 B.C.E.

Rafah is mentioned in Strabo (16:2, 31), the Itinerarium Antonini, and is depicted on the Madaba Map. It was the seat of worship of Dionysius and Isis (Papyrus Oxyrrhynchus, 1380). It was the seat of an Episcopal see in the fifth-sixth centuries. A Jewish community settled there in the geonic period; it flourished in the ninth to tenth centuries and again in the 12th, although in the 11th century, it suffered a decline, and in 1080, the Jews of Rafah had to flee to Ashkelon. A Samaritan community also lived there during this period. Like most cities of southern Eretz Israel, ancient Rafah had a landing place on the coast (now Tell Rafāḥ), while the main city was inland.


J. Mann, The Jews in Egypt, 2 (1922), 71–72; S. Klein (ed.), Sefer ha-Yishuv (1939), S.V.; Abel, in: RB, 49 (1940), 73ff. ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Y. Tsafrir, L. Di Segni, and J. Green, Tabula Imperii Romani. IudaeaPalaestina. Maps and Gazetteer. (1994), 212, S.V. "Raphia."

Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.